Tuesday, 9 December 2008

Well here it is messy christmas everybody's having fun

John's singing his special song, to the tune of 'Whistle while you work'.
"I've got stickers on my face ... fa la la la la la la"

Tuesday, 28 October 2008

The loneliest geordie?

Who was it that described loneliness as being the human emotion which is second only to feeling loved? We all care for Speed "Mike" Hudson. But to spy him, eating breakfast alone in a greasy spoon cafe in Manchester is very very depressing.

Saturday, 20 September 2008

No expense spared

Don't put too much effort into your new business sign. It's simply not worth it. Why go to all the trouble of replacing your canopy when you can simply paint over the all name in white paint? Me and geno did go for some Perfect Fried Chicken. It was well good

Friday, 13 June 2008

Dani, Danielle, Gil, Monica and Jimbo's Irish adventure

Dani and Monica take time out from the gig to discuss their region and the thorny Basque independance issue

Whilst it is not easy to tell what Gil and Danielle are discussing, it is most likely the thorny Quebec independance problem

Danielle constructing her very own pile of rocks. This made her happy. Happy like a Monkey.

PK's tax avoidance vehicle

Even more of Dani, Danielle, Gil, Monica and Jimbo's Ireland adventure

Moneeky at the gig

In rainbow (pot of gold not featured)

Dani and Danielle in porterhouse

Jimbo and Dani toasting their good health

The Spanish Pete Dogherty

more of Dani, Monica, Gil, Danielle and Jimbo's Ireland adventure

Jim and Gil

Jim and Gil at Trinity college

Jim and Gil on Diamond Hill

Gil and Danielle at the gig with rainbow in background

Moneeky is as happy like a monkey

Dani, Monica, Gil, Daniele and Jim's Ireland adventure

Dani at the radiohead enjoying a lot

Daniele with Connemara ponies ... this made her holiday

The main highway between Cork and Dublin

Mount Everest ... soon to be conquered by me

Gil and Danielle realise the importance of wearing the correct safety headgear when exploring castles

Saturday, 23 February 2008


Who's this jerk


Who's this jerk

Wednesday, 20 February 2008